Thursday, June 2, 2016

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ahh….the classic question every grade school age child is asked:
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I remember when I was asked this question. I was in Mrs. Hopkins’s kindergarten class and I was sat upon a high stool in front of a VHS Camcorder and was filmed as I gave my answer to this and other absurd questions. I replied to the camera, “I want to do what my mom does…but I don’t really know what that is.” My mom was employed at the hospital at that time and I assumed she was either a doctor or a nurse (she was neither) but I didn’t want to sound stupid not knowing what my own mother actually did all day so I gave a stupid answer. I was 6 years old.
Now, when you watch that tape, my dad was clearly in charge of getting me ready that morning as I was wearing a pink sweat suit with a panda on the front of the crewneck and a low pony – which I realize both are in style (sort of) now, but let’s just say my dad was “ahead of the fashion curve” when I was his responsibility to get ready in the morning. As a side note, I always liked when he combed my hair better than my mom because he wouldn’t comb all the way through the tangles and that was way better than my mother yanking that damned brush through my waist length hair.
Anyhow, what I really wanted to be was a doctor. I wanted to be a doctor because even by kindergarten I knew that doctor’s made a lot of money and I liked money. In 1987, the only professions you were allowed to choose as a child was a doctor or lawyer (for the money of course) or a fireman or police officer (public service/people helper). I didn’t really want to help people that much so my choices were law or medical. I naturally chose medical because I had never actually seen a real live lawyer and didn’t understand the whole concept anyway. Besides, doctors had TOOLS and I found those to be deeply intriguing. I kept this notion of wanting to be a doctor alive until some ass-wipe in the fourth grade blew my dream out of the water by telling me that you have to deal with blood. What. The. Hell. No one told me that before! So I was out of ideas for the next few years. (Shout out to Wyatt Sewell who destroyed my doctoral dream!)
I thought about becoming an artist, but heard they starved and besides – I had fellow sixth graders that were better than me anyway. I contemplated being a teacher and other random professions and the heat was really on by 1997 when I entered high school. Teachers were asking me to REALLY consider what I wanted to be. What?? Why? I have loads of time! My life plan by my sophomore year was to go off to UW, be a barista and mooch off my parents. Well, fast forward one pregnancy, failed marriage and a budding career later and I signed up for college!
With no major whatsoever in mind.
After attending classes for 2 years, I decided to major in Business and boom – here we are in 2016! Now, if I could go back to panda crewneck wearing little Dacia, I would have slapped her cute little self off that stool and said – “HEY! Don’t cut yourself short cupcake --- the internet is just around the corner!”
If being put back in kindergarten today and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said that I wanted to work for the Travel Channel flying all over the globe as a food connoisseur while writing my own series of travel guides. Like hello! They make WAY more than a doctor and you don’t have to work as many hours. And let’s not forget – no blood.
I wish that kids were given options when they are asked this life altering question at such a young age instead of being prompted by their society to be whatever society wants them to be. I believe everyone should have a goal and be self sufficient, but also should be doing something they are passionate about. I love food, writing and traveling. Those 3 things blend together so much more beautifully than Dacia being a doctor who doesn’t like blood. So the moral of the story:
Choose a goal, any goal, and work towards it. Make some money along the way but just make sure you are banking just as many smiles.

Plenty of Tinderly Hamonizing Fish: Professional Edition

Have you ever wondered why some people get stuck with crappy bosses when others flourish in their professional relationship? The majority of people get their jobs by applying, interviewing and accepting a position within a company. Very little effort is put into seeing if the personalities between the boss and subordinate will work.

A few weeks ago, I was on yet another job interview (yeah I know, if you follow my blog, this isn’t a spoiler alert!) where the hiring panel did not have a single person from the workgroup represented. This panel was responsible for selecting this new “team member” who would never be a part of their team. It floored me that they did this. If I was hiring a person to work with me, I would at least want to meet them, shake their hand and ENSURE they brushed their teeth regularly.
In comparison, I have seen people who have essentially dated strangers. With the introduction of internet dating about 15 years ago – suddenly people filled out a questionnaire about things as nit-picky as whether or not they eat fast food and then were matched with other people that they had a good chance of meshing with.
So this begs the question: why aren’t working relationships also based on not only skill but personality? Assuming that a person works 10 hours a day – commute and lunch included - and sleeps 8 hours a day, a person spends 62.5% of their waking (read: LIVING) hours at work. Why isn’t more done to make sure that the boss and the employee at least LIKE each other?


That’s right folks. I am totally suggesting a merge of dating websites with job applications. Not only does a person have to have the skills, they also have to have the personable qualities. In my new app, employers can swipe left to dump you and right to keep you. So if you’re professional photo isn’t up to the par it’s like a Beyonce song --- to the left, to the left…..exit stage left with your terrible profile pic with your government issued politician hair. Ew. (That is another post entirely.)
I think this new app will accomplish a few things:
#1. Personal Hygiene will come back in style. In the Pacific Northwest, I can’t tell you how many people I have seen in professional settings who have just so clearly given up on life. By submitting a profile pic, you can better ensure the potential new employees will have taken the time to get a haircut, brushed their hair and teeth and have bothered to get out of their pajamas. At the very least, you will know their filtering techniques are on point and you can at least put their ugly ass in the IT department.
#2. Employees will be matched with their employer. Meaning, less HR issues due to personality conflicts. Humor or lack thereof will be similar, eating styles will be similar and water cooler conversations will flow more easily.
#3. Employees can also choose their employer! An employee will know in advance of accepting a position whether or not they are going to be working for an asshole. They can actually check with relative certainty if the grass is greener.
And many other fascinating things for sure!
So, next time you want to see if you would be a good fit, just look up Plenty of Tinderly Harmonizing Fish: Professional Edition and give it a go.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I told my friends I would be there

I am 34 years old and you would think by now I could manage my friends and peer pressure a little better. But I can’t. There are certain people in my life that I just refuse to say no to. They could probably offer me drugs and I would do it just to fit in. Also, if they jumped off a bridge, I would too. I love these people. As to not further give them any power, I will not disclose their names.

Last month tickets went on sale for Watershed 2016. Watershed is a 5-day country music festival at the Gorge Amphitheater in George, Washington. Alongside this music festival there is also camping – for an additional cost. Now, from what my friends tell me, there are two different kinds of camping – General Population (coined Gen Pop) and Big Rig (for trailers, RV’s and Fifth Wheels). The night before tickets went on sale my friend Randy* coached me that I needed general admission tickets and Big Rig camping. That – and I quote directly – “If you don’t get Big Rig camping, people are going to piss on you, force you to join a temporary Harem, party for days on end and you will have to go to the bathroom in what they call the grumpy dump. You don’t even want to know what the grumpy dump is! Make sure you get Big Rig camping.”

(Please note readers, I do not own a “Big Rig” I have the equivalent of a covered wagon that I camp in. My boyfriend likes to rough it in the great outdoors, so when I yowl and cry about the bathroom situation or the temperature inside said covered wagon, he gently reminds me how wonderful nature is. In my humble opinion, nature can bite me. I like microwaves, heating, AC and my stereo. But I digress… I don’t like the payment of a Big Rig.)

So the next day, I take an hour of vacation time at work so that I can log onto the Watershed website from my phone and get these tickets. Now, I will just note here that this whole experience, of a lifetime no doubt, is going to run me about $700. So instead of dutifully making my house payment, I logged on. I told my friends I would be there – damn the mortgage! As the countdown begins for tickets to go on sale, I can feel my palms getting sweaty and I am shaking. I hear Eminem’s song lyrics about mom’s spaghetti on a repeat loop in my mind. This is the real deal. Get the tickets. Get Big Rig camping. Avoid the Grumpy Dump. I told my friends I would be there.

10:00 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. Try again. Damn.

10:05 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. Try again. Shit.

10:10 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. Try again. F*ck!!!  This is a lot more effort than I thought.

I message Randy: “This isn’t working. Maybe they are sold out.

Randy: “Keep trying. Don’t you want this??”

Me: “Yes”

Randy: “Then keep trying!”

I wipe the sweat from my palms and mop my forehead. I try again.

10:15 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. Try again. Double F*CK!!!!.

10:20 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. Try again. So over this. Do I really want to go? Yes, I do.

10:25 a.m. I log on and select the tickets that I want and the Big Rig camping. I have to enter a CAPTCHA so the computer knows I am legit. I wait. And I wait. And I wait.

Twenty minutes later it gives me two tickets but BIG RIG CAMPING IS SOLD OUT! How can that even be?? In a panicked state of not wanting to lose my tickets, I purchase festival tickets and Gen Pop camping. I am going to get pissed on and my 34 year streak of being drug free is going to come to a screeching halt. 

I feel so humiliated and disgusted with myself that I can’t even look at Randy’s text without putting my iPhone face down in shame. I couldn’t even secure Big Rig tickets. What sort of concert attendee was I anyway? I finally worked up the nerve to text and it goes something like this:

Me: I got the tickets!

Randy: Oh good! You’ll love camping with all of us in Big Rig land. Gen Pop is so gross. Only losers camp in Gen Pop.

Me: Yeah totally gross. I only plan to be there to sleep.

Randy: What?

I then tell the tale of woe, how Big Rig was sold out and I couldn’t understand why. She just replies with “Its fine.” Which I know it’s not. I told my friends I would be in Big Rig.

Later that night, after I have obsessed about this dilemma all day, I have come to a conclusion: I am going to buy a trailer and park it at the very edge of Gen Pop so I can still be somewhat near my friends. When I propose this idea to my boyfriend he looks at me like I have lost my mind.

Boyfriend: So you’re going to buy a $20,000 to go camping with your friends, but not really, for one weekend?

Me: Yes.

Boyfriend: What about our tent? It works just fine.

Me: But I want a trailer!!!! Everyone has a trailer but me!!

I would like to note that my boyfriend is 19 years my senior and yes, sometimes, I act like a complete child and he has to “parent” me. He also doesn’t seem to care very much whether I am popular or what my friends want me to do. Which is weird I think. In hindsight, I think he wants me to be a nerd so no one else wants me. I’ll have to look into that… So basically the trailer idea is thrown out of the window.

Since the ticket buying day, Randy and I have been scheming like a set of Mean Girls on how to get me into Big Rig camping. The price has been inflated to $650 for a spot on StubHub (Still better than a new trailer!) so I think my best bet is to start a Go Fund Me for my next camping spot, and my extra house payment.

Please donate! Thanks!

*Real name withheld to protect identity

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Most Awful Interview – Ever.

I had long believed that the worst interview I had ever witnessed was when Britney Spears sat down with Barbara Walters shortly after her split with K-Fed. (Poor guy, does anyone else think it’s slightly rude to only refer to a man by his Hollywood made-up nickname?). Anyhow, I thought that was bad - until I did my very first phone interview. Then I, lowly Dacia, took the crown from the princess of pop, or whatever they call her.

For those of you who are professional interviewers who never get chosen for the position (like me) you don’t get overly excited or anxious about an interview. How hard can it be you ask yourself. You have done a zillion of them. In fact, you could probably recite your “Tell us about yourself” elevator speech backwards because you know it so well. You can theatrically represent the best customer service you ever provided when you heroically saved the day – and the baby from the 10th story of a burning building – and righted all wrongs. This was me prior to the one phone call that destroyed me.

It was a lovely winter day and I was plugging along at my desk. My phone rang and when I answered it, a kind woman asked if I would like to interview for a position I had applied for a few weeks earlier. I eagerly replied that I would love to and opened my calendar. The only days I couldn’t do it were the following Wednesday thru Friday as I would be out of town on vacation. Of course, since I put that thought out into the universe and I clearly have some terrible karma coming my way, the only day that was available for me to interview was day 1 of my vacation. FML. There goes airplane shots and trap music. In sort of a panicked state, I tried to get the phone lady to reschedule me for a different time. Due to more terrible karma, the day and time stuck with me – I had to do my interview over the phone.

The position I applied for was a level higher than where I currently am. It wasn’t a giant leap by any stretch but it was a position that I couldn’t pass up. It was a great next step in my career. I had met with the manager before applying and of course he was smart as a whip (did that phrase just age me by 20 years?!) and a total doll. I kind of really wanted the job. The only catch was that while I met the qualifications, I had no real direct experience in the job. I had actually worked in a similar job but really I watched my co-workers perform this job. Let me put it to you like this…..I figured since I could strut my stuff down my hallway at home, a catwalk as a model would be a slam dunk.

So like any college try, I studied my ass off and even wrote out answers to imaginary questions. I practiced in the mirror and I even thought of a few interview jokes. I learned who would be interviewing me and I had diagrams of their work printed off from the internet. I was prepared! I even took it so far to practice my “phone voice” with my friends (note: sex phone operator jobs are no joke! You really have to have a knack for it!). 

Some of the advantages of phone interviewing (which are VERY few) is that I didn’t have to get into my hair stylist to have my roots touched up, no power suit or crash diet needed, no sitting with a ramrod straight back uncomfortably for an hour or more and my hair wouldn’t go flat. Outside of that, Screwedville was straight where I was headed – without a margarita or airplane shot.

When I got to my destination and checked into my accommodations, I settled into my interview mode. I shoved my boyfriend into a dark closet (I needed privacy) and sprawled all of my materials around me. When the phone call came I realized that they were putting me on mute while I answered their questions. Dead silence doesn’t lend itself to comfort! I panicked and answered their questions with a bunch of “um….ya know……uh…” After about 10 minutes of that, I was ready to have an accidental disconnect and then promptly die. Instead, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and continued to fight the good fight. This is when they decided to lighten the mood and ask some personality questions. Great.

Personality Question 1: If you could be any animal, what would it be?

Now, Facebook quizzes have pointed to my spirit animal being a buffalo, but I am not sure how I would creatively work this into an interview piece. Instead I announce (loudly mind you. Too loudly.) a Cheetah. Now, why on earth would I pick a Cheetah? Well in some cases, I could say that I very closely resemble a cat. A domestic cat that sleeps 12-16 hours any given day and only wakes to sleep and shit. Yep, sounds a lot like me. I could also spin the Cheetah choice into something like “Oh I picked a cheetah because they are the fastest land mammal and they live in sunny places!” (which is what I said). But the real reason I chose a cheetah? Because I did a 5th grade report on them and at the time of the interview question, that was the only animal I could think of.

Personality Question 2: If we were celebrating our successes as a team in a year from now, what would those successes be?

My answer: A job well done and accomplishing our goals. They should have replied: Duh dumb shit, that is why we are celebrating. Honestly, the only thing that came to my mind with this question was, what bar was said “celebration” being held at, what was I going to wear to my imaginary celebration, and was it a Mojito or Coors Light kind of night. I successfully turned this question into a conversation about cupcakes and the importance of food in my life so hopefully I gained a point or two.

Personality Question 3: What is your favorite quote and what does it mean to you?

The only thing buzzing through my brain at this moment are 2Pac lyrics that are in no way shape or form appropriate for the office or anywhere really. I couldn’t really pop off with something along the lines of gang violence and food stamps. But honestly NOTHING came to mind. Instead, I went for half a Bible verse, couldn’t remember the rest of it, and ended with hakuna matata. I quoted the damn Lion King.

Needless to say, it was a “don’t call us, we’ll call you” situation and I ended the call. I let my boyfriend out of the closet and our vacation began.


Update: The super cool manager called me a week later to tell me that I did an amazing job and that I was the most genuine and friendly person. This is manager talk for: “Girl, you have got the mind of a jelly bean.” They didn’t hire me. Onto the next.

Working Sucks.

Ahhh…..It’s Tuesday morning. The morning following a holiday, 3-day weekend. There is nothing like having a bunch of time off to realize how much working sucks. I have often thought about the amount of time I spend at work and it is really a catch-22. Like most people, I didn’t choose my profession per se, I sort of fell into it, started making enough money to qualify as working poor and BOOM! Suddenly I am over a decade in and now it seems silly to change. Out of all the lovely people I work with, I am willing to bet that only 10% of them actually chose to work in the field they do. I honestly can’t see a bright eyed eight year old saying “Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a public servant.”

So, back to the amount of time it takes to work full time. Forty hours a week doing something that you didn’t necessarily choose, and then are told through team building and whatnot to feel passionate about – well, that’s almost like trying to sleep with an ugly person. It just isn’t going to happen. Either that passion is there or it’s not, and no amount of lipstick on a pig is going to make it look any different than a pig. Work is just that, a four-letter necessary evil in life.

Then there is the flip side – finding love, quitting your job and being domesticated. If this lifestyle doesn’t scream “closet alcoholic” it should. I am sure there are plenty of satisfied stay at home parents or partners out there who are not alcoholics, but I think one of two things, a.) What’s the fun and/or point in that? b.) These people are liars. I never ever could stay home full-time (unless of course someone can invent calorie free vodka)…. Then we might be onto something.

To further my point, my mom stayed home with me. She did an amazing job keeping house, cooking, dealing with me that even on my best day; I would look like an epic failure. Even to this day, my DOG is excited when my mom comes to visit. I think he gives her this secret look that says, “Grandma, please take me away from this filthy pit.” Of course I smile, lightly nudge his face with my toe and say, “Oh it’s so hard when you’re working all the time.” Pah-leeze. My mom knows a liar when she sees one. She knows that I don’t care that my house looks like a cotton candy factory when I turn on the ceiling fan because the dust bunnies and dog hair take flight. But at least she lets me lie and get away with it. Perks of being an adult.

So since I am not passionate about my profession and I can’t stay home, what’s next? Here is a list (not exhaustive) of careers I have considered:

·         World famous author

·         Dog walker

·         Stand up comedian

·         Gas station attendant

·         Hair dresser

·         Famous pop singer

·         Costco receipt checker

·         Famous guitar player

·         Stripper

·         Walmart greeter

·         Waitress at a diner

Most of these are a bit lofty, I’ll admit, because I don’t exactly have the body of a stripper and that seems to be a prerequisite for most of these occupations. I also don’t know that I would like to be in the limelight all the time like the Costco receipt checker or Walmart greeter. I do like a bit of alone time at work. A gas station attendant would be almost perfect but maybe in a location like Mobile, Alabama (where the fun happens).

Anyhow, enough day dreaming. This future Author/Comedian/Waitress/Guitarist has to keep her day job for now and go to work.

Please message me if you ever do see zero calorie Vodka. I know it’s coming!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Airplane Etiquette

(Authors note: This was meant to be a funny post that sort of turned into a rant. So basically, I want you to take it seriously and laugh.)
I just returned home from jet-setting to one of my favorite places – Los Angeles, California. It has such an eclectic vibe from Hollywood hopefuls, to the extremely wealthy of the 90210, Venice beach bums, regular city bums, and tourists. ­­­­­The trip itself was a fabulous time and I can’t wait to go back. Unfortunately, I wish there was a way to teleport myself rather than fly.

I will be the first to admit, no matter how much I travel, the minute I see my name printed on a boarding pass (which I will then promptly lose and panic – I really should switch to electronic boarding passes) I get a case of the butterflies in my stomach. I love to fly. I like the uninterrupted me time that it affords. I can finally knock out a few hours of reading, napping, watching a movie, or staring down the aisle (I don’t do window seats). However! I still do not understand how travelers still fail to follow airplane etiquette. Below is my list of airplane etiquette do’s and don’ts.

Security Check-Point

The reason for a security check-point is to make sure you aren’t a lunatic terrorist. Additionally, this check-point also highlights the narcissistic jackasses that may be on the same flight as you. Every person should know by now that when you go to the airport EVERYTHING goes into the plastic bin to be scanned. Basically, if the airport could get you down to your roos, they would. They scan everything. Read that again, everything. Shoes, wallets, purses, belts, jackets, cell phones, iPads, laptops, you name it – if it can come off of you without causing you to be naked, it is coming off and being scanned. There is no use in asking if you should take it off – just do it. This process takes so long because people are idiots and believe they are above the scan. You are not. Additionally, after you have asked your 20 “clarifying” questions, do not re-dress on the other end of the conveyer belt after you have been scanned. Grab your crap and hustle out of the way. Nothing is more annoying than a fashion plate diva taking her time to put on her clothes and jewelry and then continuing to wait while she reorganizes her purse. Don’t be that girl (or guy)! And really, who needs to be that dressed up for a flight?

Carry-On Bags

Notice that this subheading didn’t read carry-on luggage? Nothing irks me more than someone trying to shove a 75lb bag that is bulging at the seams into the overhead compartment. They have measurements and protocols in place because that is what comfortably fits in the overhead compartment! I realize with the increase of fees in the airline industry that people are trying to get away with only packing a carry-on, but if you simply can’t fit your two weeks’ worth of ensembles into a small carry-on bag, then please check it. Listen up – even if you miraculously make it past the airline stewards, you are being a complete asshat to your fellow traveling mates by standing there trying to shove an elephant into a mouse hole. CHECK YOUR BAG.

My Seat, Your Seat

Remember that line in Dirty Dancing, “This is my dance space; this is your dance space. I don’t go into yours, you don’t go into mine”? The same is true on an airplane. Please do not use the back of the seat in front of you to haul your butt up to use the restroom. This is what an arm rest is for. Additionally, don’t be an armrest hog – you only get one and the other person next to you gets the other. Keep your elbows in when it isn’t your armrest. However, should the person sitting next to you curl up in the fetal position and zonk out (presumably hung over), you are more than welcome to use their arm rest until they wake up. Also, do no­­t ask someone to switch seats with you. They picked their seat when they booked the flight and so did you. Too bad your friends didn’t wait for you to agree to the trip before booking their flights – this is a friend problem, not a stranger-in-the-seat-you-want problem.

Also, about your seat…if you are a person who needs to use the restroom a lot more than usual, DO NOT book yourself for a window seat. Window seats are reserved for sleepers, those with known and chronic hangovers, people who do not want to interact and those who can hold their bladder. Aisle seats are for those more active travelers who constantly need to get up. Middle seats are for those who didn’t book their own flight (spouses, kids, etc). So please, choose your seat according to your pre-assessed needs.

Safety is a MUST

This message should be clear – SHUT UP during the safety briefing. If you fly frequently this may be hard to do, but first time flyers need to know what to do in an emergency. Really. This is a big deal, shut up and listen. The whole song and dance goes for a whopping 2 minutes (believe me, I timed it) so please, shut your trap and watch the pretty lady point to the illuminated strips on the floor that lead to the exit.

Eat this, Not that

I am not talking about a diet here. There is an appropriate time for certain foods and an inappropriate time. For loud crunchy people, flight is about the only time you can crunch without annoying anyone so go ahead and chomp away. However, there are certain foods you should never eat within close proximity of people who can’t get away from your smelly self:

·         Corn Nuts

·         Doritos

·         Corn Nuts

·         Funyuns – think, “Fun for No one!”

·         Fritos

·         Flavored Potato Chips

·         Corn Nuts

·         Cheetos

Did I mention Corn Nuts? Never fails that someone on the flight just happened to pick up a 10 pound bag of those damn things. Gross. Don’t make people smell your food.

Smelly Cat

In relation to Eat this, Not that, please – PLEASE – shower, wear clean clothes, wash your hair and use deodorant the day of your flight. No one wants to sit next to the stinky person and believe me, EVERYONE can smell you.


Getting off the plane is just as important as the rest of the flight. Here are my tips:

1.       Wait for the rows ahead of you to disembark before you. Meaning: don’t bum rush up the middle aisle hoping to jump ahead in the cue. Wait your turn.

2.       Gents, if a lady is sitting across from you – or ladies, a person who is your elder – let them out first. Common courtesy.

3.       If you were the jackass that shoved your oversized luggage in the overhead compartment, it would behoove you to wait for others to pass you before you start your struggle with your bag.

Note to the airlines: Why can’t people without any carry-on bags exit the aircraft first? Seems to me you would clear out a lot of the congestion and give the carry-on folks room for their bags to come out of the overhead compartment. Brilliant, yes??

Some final thoughts, I know it is allowable to have children and small animals on airplanes, but if you can’t legally drug them and they are feisty at home – please leave them at home. I didn’t just pay a ton of money to hear you argue with your kid for six hours on my way to Mexico. Besides, what terrible parent brings their young children to Mexico? Are you a glutton for punishment?? No need for your “all-inclusive”….

Anyhow, next time you get on a plane headed somewhere, please dig deep into your etiquette pockets and do everyone a favor by not being an asshat.

 (Authors note: Rant Over. Seriously.)